Thursday, September 11, 2014

Κατρακυλούν οι τιμές ΦΑ, απομακρύνεται το τερματικό | Sigma Live

Κατρακυλούν οι τιμές ΦΑ, απομακρύνεται το τερματικό

Σημαντικά συμπεράσματα για την ανάπτυξη και εκμετάλλευση των κοιτασμάτων της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου εξάχθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια του δεύτερου East Mediterranean Gas Conference που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Πάφο και ολοκληρώθηκε την Τετάρτη. Μιλώντας στο SigmaLive, ο τέως Εκτελεστικός Πρόεδρος της ΚΡΕΤΥΚ, Χαράλαμπος Έλληνας, ο οποίος συμμετείχε στις εργασίες του συνεδρίου, είπε ότι το γεγονός ότι συμμετείχαν εταιρείες και ειδικοί επί των ενεργειακών θεμάτων από όλο τον κόσμο. 
Όπως ανέφερε, συζητήθηκαν πολλά θέματα όπως οι προοπτικές του φυσικού αερίου στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, η προσφορά και η ζήτηση και η επιρροή στις τιμές, οι μελλοντικές αγορές, ο ρόλος της Κύπρου στην ανάπτυξη των υδρογονανθράκων της περιοχής, το ρυθμιστικό και νομικό πλαίσιο που χρειάζεται για να συμβάλει στην αποτελεσματική ανάπτυξη καθώς και οι εξελίξεις στο Λίβανο, το Ισραήλ και την Αίγυπτο. Αντικείμενο του συνεδρίου ήταν και οι νέες τεχνολογίες όπως οι πλωτές μονάδες υγροποίησης, η συμβολή των υποθαλάσσιων αγωγών καθώς και η ανάπτυξη του τοπικού ανθρώπινου δυναμικού.

Πέφτουν οι τιμές, απομακρύνεται το τερματικό
Ένα από τα κυριότερα συμπεράσματα του συνεδρίου, είναι ότι οι τιμές του υγροποιημένου φυσικού αερίου παρουσιάζουν πτώση ακόμα και στις αγορές της Ασίας, κάτι που σημαίνει ότι η επιλογή του τερματικού καθίσταται όλο και πιο δύσκολη για την Κύπρο. Παράλληλα, όπως εξήγησε ο Χαράλαμπος Έλληνας, πτώση παρουσιάζουν και οι τιμές του ΦΑ στην ΕΕ, ενώ σύμφωνα με τα υπάρχοντα στοιχεία, στο μέλλον εκτιμάται ότι θα υπάρχει πλεόνασμα υγροποιημένου φυσικού αερίου.

Καθίσταται τεχνικά εφικτός ο αγωγός Ισραήλ-Κύπρος-Ελλάδα-Ιταλία
Ο Χαράλαμπος Έλληνας, είπε ότι με τα σημερινά δεδομένα, θα πρέπει να εξεταστεί σοβαρά η λύση των πλωτών μονάδων υγροποίησης αλλά και η λύση μεταφοράς συμπιεσμένου φυσικού αερίου με πλοία. Επιπλέον πρόσθεσε ότι σύντομα γερμανική εταιρεία θα έχει ολοκληρώσει το πρώτο πλοίο το οποίο θα έχει τη δυνατότητα εγκατάστασης υποθαλάσσιων αγωγών σε βάθος μέχρι 3000 μέτρα, κάτι που θα σημαίνει ότι η κατασκευή αγωγού που να συνδέει την Κύπρο με την Ελλάδα, καθίσταται τεχνικά εφικτή.

Σε αυτό το σημείο, αξίζει να αναφερθεί, ότι σε δηλώσεις του αυτή τη βδομάδα, ο Υπουργός Εξωτερικών του Ισραήλ Άβιγκντορ Λίμπερμαν, είπε ότι ο ίδιος προκρίνει την επιλογή εξαγωγής του φυσικού αερίου από τα ισραηλινά οικόπεδα μέσω αγωγού στην δυτική Ευρώπη. Μάλιστα είπε ότι η δημιουργία ενός αγωγού Ισραήλ-Κυπρου-Ελλάδας-Ιταλίας θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει μια πιθανή λύση. Το σενάριο δημιουργίας αγωγού που θα οδηγεί στην Τουρκία, φαίνεται να απομακρύνεται το τελευταίο διάστημα, λόγω των πολιτικών διαφορών μεταξύ των δύο χωρών σε ότι αφορά τη Λωρίδα της Γάζας.
Σημαντική εξέλιξη η συμφωνία συνεκμετάλλευσης με την Αίγυπτο
Κληθείς να σχολιάσει την συμφωνία συνεκμετάλλευσης που υπεγράφη μεταξύ της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας και της Αιγύπτου, ο Χαράλαμπος Έλληνας είπε ότι είναι πολύ σημαντική ενόψει των γεωτρήσεων της Total, αφού ενδεχομένως να προκύψουν κοιτάσματα που να είναι και στις δύο πλευρές των ΑΟΖ. «Είναι σημαντικό είπε να μπορούμε να εκμεταλλευτούμε αυτά τα κοιτάσματα χωρίς προβλήματα».

Σε ότι αφορά το μνημόνιο συναντίληψης για πώληση κυπριακού φυσικού αερίου στην Ιορδανία το 2015, είπε ότι θα είμαστε σε θέση να το πράξουμε, αλλά ενδεχομένως να έχουμε το ίδιο πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζει το Ισραήλ με τις ποσότητες αλλά και τα ζητήματα μεταφοράς του. «Το timing που βγήκαμε σε αναζήτηση αγοραστών είναι σωστό. Υπάρχουν περιφερειακές αγορές για το ΦΑ της Κύπρου και πρέπει να τις κυνηγήσουμε ενεργά και έγκαιρα σε συνεργασία με τις εταιρείες ΦΑ που δραστηριοποιούνται στην Κύπρο», κατέληξε.
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Egypt and Cyprus Agree on Joint Development of Natural Gas Resources | Gulf Oil & Gas

Egypt and Cyprus Agree on Joint Development of Natural Gas Resources

Source: - Articles 9/11/2014, Location: Africa
President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has issued a presidential decree that ratifies the previously signed framework agreement between Egypt and Cyprus on the joint exploitation of hydrocarbon reserves, on the median line between the two countries’ Exclusive Economic Zones (EZZ).

The initial framework agreement for the joint Development was signed in Cairo on December 12, 2013 by the Cypriot Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis during President Nicos Anastasiades’ official visit to the interim government of Egypt.

It is no secret that rapprochement between Cyprus and Egypt is highly opposed by Turkey and many of its allies. A joint development agreement was not made possible during the government of ousted president Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, due to Turkish pressure against such initiative.

Al-Sisi decision finally puts an end to the controversy over the utilization of the Cross-Median Line Hydrocarbon Resources between Egypt and Cyprus. The agreement between the two governments has significant implications for the peaceful development of Natural Gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean.

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Egypt ratifies agreement with Cyprus for co-exploitation of hydrocarbons | CNA

Egypt ratifies agreement with Cyprus for co-exploitation of hydrocarbons
CNA - NICOSIA 11/9/2014 13:33

President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has issued a presidential decree with which he approves the ratification of the framework agreement, signed with Cyprus in 2013, providing for the co-exploitation of the hydrocarbon reserves in the Egyptian and Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) which extend across the midline.

The signing of the decree by the Egyptian President was announced by Cypriot Minister of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism George Lakkotrypis.


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UNic and MIHT to boost training in hydrocarbons | Cyprus Mail


UNic and MIHT to boost training in hydrocarbons

UNic and MIHT to boost training in hydrocarbons
By Evie Andreou
A COOPERATION agreement for a comprehensive training programme on hydrocarbons was signed yesterday by the University of Nicosia and the Mediterranean Institute of Hydrocarbons Technology (MIHT).
The agreement aims to enhance education and training in the field of hydrocarbons to cover posts that will be created from the exploitation of the island’s natural wealth, as well as for research.
“Hydrocarbons are a blessing for Cyprus and will be a part of our lives for the next 100 years,” said University of Nicosia board chairman Nicos Peristianis.
He added that the sector will create several thousand jobs and that energy is most important in all aspects of life, while green development is something that has become part of our everyday life.
He also said that the two institutes will benefit greatly not only through knowledge transfer but also through research.
MIHT’s general manager Theodoros Efthimiou said that the discovery of hydrocarbons in the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone and the effort for their exploitation found the government but also the business and educational communities unprepared.
“If initiatives are not taken for training, research, consultancy services and the import of technology, we will never benefit from the discovery of hydrocarbons,” Efthimiou said.
He said that MIHT has set as a priority to forge cooperation with local and foreign universities and higher education institutes because they believe that acquisition of knowledge and a technology culture on hydrocarbons must begin through the educational system.
The head of the centre for Green Development and Energy Policy at the University of Nicosia, Marios Valiantis, stressed the need for the proper management of Cyprus’s resources in order to minimise environmental consequences.
He also said that the protection of the environment is as important as the existence and the rational utilisation of the mineral wealth of a country.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Israel eyes pipeline to export natural gas to southern Europe | Reuters

Israel eyes pipeline to export natural gas to southern Europe

Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:21pm GMT

VILNIUS, Sept 10 (Reuters) - Israel's foreign minister said on Wednesday the preferred way to export its recently discovered natural gas reserves to Europe would be via a pipeline to southern Europe.

Israel initially looked to export most of its reserves in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG) but after potential Australian investor Woodside Petroleum, an LNG specialist, bailed out of a joint development deal with Israel's Delek and U.S. Noble Energy earlier this year, its LNG export outlook diminished.

Another potential export route, via a pipeline to Turkey, has also been dealt a blow because of a deepening political rift over Israel's Gaza offensive.
"What looks ... possible to carry out is a pipeline to our neighbours in the EU, like Cyprus and Greece, and from Greece to all southern Europe, to Italy, maybe other countries," Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told journalists during a visit to Lithuania, where the government has been considering the potential of future Israeli LNG imports.
The Israeli minister said the planned pipeline was estimated to cost $20-$30 billion.
"It's a huge project, and we are only in the beginning. But (the) first impression is that the right way to export this gas to Europe is through Cyprus and Greece," he added.
Israel has also been negotiating a deal to supply natural gas from its vast Leviathan field to its Arab neighbour Jordan under a 15-year, $15 billion agreement.
The Leviathan field, expected to come online by 2018, is estimated to have enough gas to meet Europe's needs for a year.
Despite Lieberman's preference for a pipeline to southern Europe, LNG is not fully off the table yet.
EU member Cyprus has also found gas offshore and proposed to export its reserves with Israel via a joint LNG export terminal on its shores. Cyprus has so far not discovered enough gas to warrant an LNG export terminal using only its own reserves.
There are also talks to pump Israeli gas to Egypt, from where it could be liquefied and exported as LNG via existing infrastructure. (Reporting by Andrius Sytas; Writing by Nerijus Adomaitis; Editing by Henning Gloystein and David Evans)

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Transmission lines for gas export to be financed by companies, not Israeli government | Jerusalem Post

Natural gas transmission pipelines built for conveying the resource to neighboring countries are set to be financed by the export companies themselves, rather than by the Israeli economy, the Natural Gas Authority Council announced on Monday.

More specifically, the companies will bear the cost of segments in the transmission system used only for export in order to reduce the financial burden on the Israeli consumer as much as possible, the National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Ministry explained.

In addition, the export companies will participate in financing pipeline segments that need to be duplicated for redundancy, which may serve both for export purposes and for transmission in the local market.

Among the members of the Natural Gas Authority Council, which is under the umbrella of the Energy Ministry, are the director-general of the Natural Gas Authority, a Finance Ministry representative, an Energy Ministry representative and two public representatives.

“The export of natural gas to neighboring countries through the transmission system opens new horizons for our natural resources and increases the revenue from them,” said National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Silvan Shalom. “The exports will bring us closer to our neighbors, [and] will enable us to create long-term cooperation that will bring an improvement to the situation of all the countries in the region.”

The National Gas Authority Council made the decision after experiencing a year of what the Energy Ministry described as “a new reality in the energy sector.”

Exporting gas through the national transmission system has gained momentum, particularly as contracts and letters of intent are signed with neighboring countries, the ministry said.

Last Wednesday, the Leviathan gas reservoir partners signed a letter of intent to supply about 45 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Jordan’s National Electric Power Company over a 15-year period.

In June, the Leviathan partners signed a letter of intent with the British Gas Group for a 15-year supply of 105 to its Idku natural gas liquefaction plant in Egypt.

Likewise, the partners of the neighboring Tamar reservoir signed a letter of intent with Spanish firm Union Fenosa in May, for the provision of 71 to that company’s Egyptian liquefaction facility in Damietta.

In February, the Tamar reservoir partners signed a $500 million deal to provide 1.8 of gas to the Jordanian firms Arab Potash and Jordan Bromine over 15 years, beginning in 2016, to power their Dead Sea facilities.

A month before, the Leviathan basin partners signed their first export deal – a $1.2b. sales agreement with the Palestine Power Generation Company, which would provide a future power plant in Jenin with 4.75 of gas over 20 years.

As far as the transmission lines for export are concerned, the National Gas Authority Council stressed that some pipelines that are constructed or duplicated will be used both for export as well as for Israeli domestic consumption in the future. In these cases, the council said it would determine what the relative share of the flow for export and local consumption would be.

The total investment required for establishing export transmission lines will require more than NIS 250m., the Energy Ministry added.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Egypt puts back first LNG import terminal start to December | Reuters

Egypt puts back first LNG import terminal start to December

Tue Sep 9, 2014 7:14am GMT
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CAIRO, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Egypt will complete a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal by December, oil minister Sherif Ismail said on Monday, pushing back by another month the long-delayed project that is meant to help the country combat an energy crisis.
Egypt can export LNG but cannot import it without installing the terminal, which has been repeatedly delayed for two years, worsening an energy shortage that has caused regular blackouts throughout the country.
Egypt's oil ministry and Norway's Hoegh LNG said in May they had agreed for Egypt to use one of Hoegh's Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRU) for five years and that the terminal would be in place by September.
But an Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company source said in June the terminal was unlikely to arrive before October or November, while industry sources said in July Egypt had reopened talks with U.S.-based rival Excelerate Energy.
Gas is in short supply due to declining domestic production, forcing the government to divert gas earmarked for export to the domestic market to keep the lights on.
This has increased Egypt's debt to foreign energy companies, who have lost gas supplies they would have exported, and hampered investment in the country's energy sector.
Egypt's official Mena news agency quoted Ismail as saying that the total owed to foreign energy companies had risen to $7.11 billion and that Egypt had so far repaid $1.2 billion. (Reporting By Shadi Bushra; Editing by Lin Noueihed and Michael Urquhart)

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Turkey nixes energy partnerships with Israel | The Times Of Israel

Turkey nixes energy partnerships with Israel

Minister Taner Yildiz says the two countries can only work together when Gaza Strip troubles are resolved

 September 9, 2014, 11:43 pm 10
Gas rigs in the Tamar field, off the coast of Israel, in June. (photo credit: Moshe Shai/FLASH90)
Gas rigs in the Tamar field, off the coast of Israel, in June. (photo credit: Moshe Shai/FLASH90)
Turkey will not work with Israel on energy projects until the situation in the Gaza Strip has been resolved, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said on Tuesday.
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Yildiz spokes to reporters before attending the “Mediterranean Energy Perspectives – Turkey Report” in Ankara.
“For energy projects to proceed, the human tragedy in Gaza will have to be stopped and Israel will have to instate a permanent peace there with all elements,” Yildiz said, according to a reportfrom Reuters.
“It is out of question to proceed on any energy project unless a permanent peace is established, with contribution from all sides and with necessary conditions,” he continued. “A human tragedy unfolded (in Gaza), it is all too easily forgotten.”
Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz. (screen capture:YouTube/Cihan Haber Ajansi)
Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz. (screen capture:YouTube/Cihan Haber Ajansi)
The recent discovery of two large gas fields in the Mediterranean has transformed Israel into an energy exporter, and the country has been looking for regional partners to purchase the resource.
Last week Israel signed a deal to supply Jordan with $15 billion worth of natural gas from its Leviathan energy field over 15 years.
Despite reports of a rapprochement over the spring, ties between Israel and Turkey chilled again over the summer as Jerusalem waged a 50-day military campaign against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
A watchdog report released last week, though, showed Ankara was still selling jet fuel to Israel, a charge Yildiz vehemently denied,  according to Turkish Radio and Television.
“Turkey is a country grounded in law,” he said. “I have said many times that Turkey has not exported jet fuel to Israel. All calculations are out in the open, we do not hide anything. There has not been any exportation.”
“These allegations are speculation carried out by ill-minded people. If they spent as much time searching for local energy resources as they do on speculations, they would be more productive citizens for their country.”
Turkey’s Energy Market Regulatory Agency said on September 3 that some 1,500 tons of jet fuel was sold to Israel in June alone.
Ties between Israel and Turkey, already chilly, became further frayed during the recent conflict in Gaza. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was prime minister at the time, accused Israel of “genocide in Gaza and “barbarism that surpasses Hitler.”

Read more: Turkey nixes energy partnerships with Israel | The Times of Israel
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Jordan, Cyprus to work on gas deal details ‘within weeks’ | The Jordan Times

Jordan, Cyprus to work on gas deal details ‘within weeks’

by Mohammad Ghazal | Sep 09, 2014 | 23:31

Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour meets with Cyprus Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkaotrypis in Amman on Tuesday (Petra photo)
AMMAN — Jordan will sign a letter of intent with Cyprus before the end of this year to buy natural gas from the Mediterranean island, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Mohammad Hamed said on Tuesday. 
Technical teams from Jordan and Cyprus will meet in the next few weeks to set the quantities of gas to be exported to Jordan as well as the prices, the minister told The Jordan Times after the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two countries in the field of energy. 
An agreement is expected to be signed in 2015 for the purchase of the gas from Cyprus, said the minister. 
"Jordan is keen to diversify its sources of natural gas supply...We held several talks over the past few months with Cyprus and these are very fruitful and encouraging," said Hamed. 
"Importing natural gas from Cyprus is very feasible for Jordan as Cyprus has a very good reserve of natural gas that can contribute to meeting Jordan's needs of gas," he added. 
The minister said that the import of natural gas from Cyprus will significantly help reduce the burden on the Kingdom, which was forced to switch to buying more expensive heavy fuel and diesel for power generation after cuts in natural gas supplies from Egypt. 
Cyprus Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkaotrypis, who met Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour, told The Jordan Times that the signing of the memorandum of understanding on Tuesday sets the framework for upcoming discussions between the two countries on exporting natural gas to the Kingdom. 
"Jordan is a very stable country and we are keen to work with it... Jordan is building a liquefied natural gas terminal and in the next few weeks we will not only discuss exporting gas to Jordan but also work on energy projects," he said. 
The memorandum of understanding between the two countries also includes cooperation in areas of tourism, trade and industry. 
On energy, it seeks to exchange expertise in the field, cooperate in infrastructure projects, conduct joint projects and train experts, as well as exchange skills on installing renewable energy systems, especially solar energy. 
Last week, the National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) said it will sign a deal in November with Noble Energy to buy natural gas from Israel starting late 2017. The total value of the deal, which lasts for 15 years, is $15 billion. 
In February, the Arab Potash Company signed a $771 million deal with Noble Energy to buy Israeli gas for 15 years. 
Jordan, which imports about 96 per cent of its energy needs annually, will also witness the signing of a letter of intent in October between NEPCO and British Gas Group to buy gas from fields it will develop offshore the Gaza Strip. 

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