TAP AG says extension requested in case of delay due to COVID-19
New deadline for first gas delivery now December 2021
But confirms commitment to deliver first gas in Q4 2020
London — The developer of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, TAP AG, confirmed late July 2 its commitment to deliver first Azerbaijani gas into Italy in the fourth quarter of this year, despite having asked and obtained from Italy's regulator the possibility of postponing first delivery of gas until December 2021.
"The TAP project is more than 96% complete and reconfirms the target of transporting first gas to Europe within 2020," Vugar Veysalov, TAP head of external affairs, told S&P Global Platts late July 2.
The Tungsten Explorer drillship, which is expected to be used in the Total-Eni consortium’s drilling activities in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) has moved to the port of Larnaca, state-run Athens-Macedonia news agency (ANA-MPA) reports.
Earlier reports had said that the drill vessel would move from Lebanon, where it was conducting exploratory drilling off the coast of Beirut, to Trinidad and Tobago for a different offshore project.
Eventually, a decision was made that the vessel remains docked in Cyprus for the next few months, raising hopes that energy exploration will begin off the Mediterranean island after several delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and developments in the broader region.
Eni have successfully drilled the first exploration well in the North El Hammad license, in the conventional Egyptian waters of the Nile Delta, on the prospect called Bashrush. The discovery further extends to the west the gas potential of the Abu Madi formation reservoirs discovered and produced from the so-called "Great Nooros Area".
San Donato Milanese (Milan), 1 July 2020 - Eni (as the Operator of the Block), BP and Total (as Contractor members) have successfully drilled the first exploration well in the North El Hammad license, in the conventional Egyptian waters of the Nile Delta, on the prospect called Bashrush.
The new discovery is located in 22 meters of water depth, 11 km from the coast and 12 km North-West from the Nooros field and about 1 km west of the Baltim South West field, both already in production.
29 Jun 2020 | 14:26 UTC London Stuart Elliott, Editor: Alisdair Bowles
Progress depends on gas demand, market conditions
Analysts see more delays to Aphrodite development
First gas, for supply to Egypt, was set for 2025
London — The development of Cyprus' maiden gas discovery Aphrodite is facing an uncertain future as operator Noble Energy looks to revise the timeline for work at the project.
Discovered in 2011, the development of the 4.1 Tcf field seemed to have finally picked up speed in November last year with the signing of a new gas exploitation agreement between the field partners and the Cypriot government.
A final investment decision by Noble and its partners Shell and Israel's Delek was expected to be taken in 2022, with first gas set to flow in 2025.