The 24 blocks on offer in Israel’s offshore licensing round. |
By Verity Ratcliffe 24 August 2016 11:28 GMT
Israel is hoping to build on the hype surrounding exploration in the East Mediterranean with its first offshore licensing round. The Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources (MIEWR), the government agency responsible for overseeing all petroleum-related activities in the country, intends to approach IOCs in September before the official launch of the round in November.
The areas in the licensing round offer high gas prospectivity, but IOCs may need convincing because of the geopolitical situation and the uncertainty surrounding possible routes to market for gas exports.
A total of 24 blocks, each covering up to 40,000 hectares, will be on offer. Israel’s Petroleum Council approved the delineation of the exploration blocks on 10 August. The government hopes the round will draw more IOCs to the country’s oil and gas sector while promoting competition and transparency.
IOCs have been invited to meet the Israeli minister of energy, Yuval Steinitz, at roadshows in London on 1 September and Singapore on 6 September. The ministry will hold an information session in Houston after that. Other dates may be added, according to IHS Energy, which is advising the government on the round. Public holidays are likely to stymie progress in October so the round will officially open in November.