Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Eni Completes Zohr Gas Processing Unit - EGYPT OIL & GAS

Wednesday, 29th May 2019

Italian Eni finished establishing all the gas processing units for Zohr natural gas field in May 2019, boosting its processing capacity to 3.2 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) of gas, a source in the oil and gas sector told Al Borsa Newspaper.

The processing plants established for Zohr are combined into a 400 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscf/d) temporary processing unit, in addition to seven units with a capacity of 2.8 bcf/d, all of which had investments of $5 billion, the source noted.

Zohr gas field’s total output reached 2.3 bcf/d, compared to 2.1 bcf/d at the beginning of 2019, the source said, adding that each well in Zohr produces an average of 250 mmscf/d of natural gas.