Thursday, October 31, 2019

HELPE indicates possible existence of large gas field - KATHIMERINI

THURSDAY OCTOBER 31, 2019 12:48
Chryssa Liaggou

Seismic research conducted by Hellenic Petroleum (HELPE), the country’s biggest oil refiner, has indicated the possibility of the existence of a large reserve of natural gas in Greece, similar to Egypt’s gigantic Zohr gas field in the Eastern Mediterranean.

In a presentation on Wednesday, Yiannis Grigoriou, HELPE’s general manager for exploration and production of hydrocarbons, said that seismic depictions of the Zohr field bear similarities to an area that HELPE is exploring.

He did not reveal which region of the ones HELPE is exploring he was referring to [TEKMOR Note: SW Crete / local sources].

If these indications are confirmed by drilling activities, then the potential quantities may be 280 billion cubic meters, which would be able to cover Greece’s needs for 70 years.