Tuesday, August 2, 2016

GASCO to hire domestic companies for transporting natural gas from Raven field to Western Desert Gas Complex - ENERGY EGYPT / ENTERPRISE PRESS

August 2, 2016

The Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO) could potentially hire domestic energy companies such as Enppi and Petrojet to provide technical support as well as engineering and design services to transport gas from the Raven field in the North Alexandria Concession to the Western Desert Gas Complex, an unnamed source told Al Mal.

Natural gas would be transported from the BP-operated field at a rate ranging between 400 and 450 mcf/d, with the project expected to be completed between two and three years. Last week, it was reported that GASCO is also studying investing USD 500 mn in the second phase of the project to increase the production of the ethane-propane mix from the complex.

(Source: Enterprise.press)