Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ministry of Foreign Affairs press release on yesterday’s statements by the Spokesman of the Turkish Foreign Ministry - REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS

03/08/2016 15:31

Yesterday's statements by the Spokesman of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, concerning the third licensing round and Block 6 of Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone constitute a repetition of the familiar, unacceptable and legally unfounded position of Turkey and an expression of provocative and destabilizing attitude.

The Republic of Cyprus, member of the United Nations and the European Union, fully exercises, as any other member state of the international community, all its sovereign rights under international law, including its sovereign rights over its Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, as those rights are provided for by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Republic of Cyprus is determined to protect these sovereign rights by using all means provided by international law. If Turkey disputes these rights it can peacefully make use of the available international dispute-settlement mechanisms.

It should be noted that the interest shown by major oil and gas companies in the third licensing round offshore Cyprus, including Block 6, provide the best answer to the Turkish claims.

The Republic of Cyprus is determined to proceed with the exploitation of its natural resources, and especially of hydrocarbons, in order to enhance the economic development and prosperity of the people of Cyprus as a whole without discrimination. After the settlement of the Cyprus problem all people of Cyprus will be able to benefit from this wealth. Therefore, Turkey should work and contribute to achieve a settlement.

Turkey must finally realize that the Cyprus Republic is not prepared to suspend the exercise of its sovereign rights and that the ongoing dialogue for the settlement of the Cyprus problem is not linked in any way with the exercise of those rights.